Arts Entertainments

Books by Milorad Pavic

All the works of Milorad Pavic, without exception, are masterpieces. Each one is one of a kind and leaves a trace in memory. His novels can finally satisfy your aesthetic hunger and the aftertaste is long …

It uses metaphors, that is why it can be described by metaphors. It is like the music of Bach and, like any genius, it is difficult to explain.

His books have a therapeutic effect, because the reality he creates is not safe. As soon as you find your way to reality and start thinking, here is my familiar world where the laws of everyday life are in force, you immediately fall into a dream. Someone said that he writes as we dream. The world it offers is neither definitive nor definitive. You need to relax and immerse yourself in its fantastic reality. One of the heroines of Terrifying Love Stories explained our need for control using chess as an example. She said something like this.

Take a black chess piece and underneath the black paint you will see your white soul from the tree it is made of. I mean, no matter how the outside chess pieces differ, all black and white are, in fact, half white, half black, and the fight between white and black is within each of them. This inner struggle cannot be affected by the chess moves you think of. The game does not involve so much the two armies at war; the field in which they move is also involved. As soon as they are in a black field, black in black and white in black, that is, the evil spirits in the people and the evil spirits in the evil spirits draw strength from this dark surface of this dark ground. On the contrary, as soon as they appear in a white field, the support comes to light, which is in the humans and evil spirits who play at the party. So not only do the light and dark secrets have the fight inside the chess figures, but the ground under their feet is also involved. How can you make your pathetic movements influence the outcome of events? Why play a game where you are nobody or nothing?

Pavic’s books are mystical, amazing, and profound. Your texts are achieved, many phrases can become a famous quote. In one of the stories, Pavic talks about beauty, which is so difficult to create, so much effort goes into it. In contact with the beautiful, we feel relieved, knowing that when the general energy was distributed in the world, we freed ourselves from a known amount of work. The efforts of others, invested in beauty, reduced our share of fatigue, saved from a certain expenditure of energy, so we can enjoy it. In beauty we only rest …

While reading Milorad Pavic’s books, you just rest …

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