Florida’s Endangered Manatee

Belonging to the Sirenia order of mammals, manatees are the common name for a large, gray or black, air-breathing, aquatic mammal. Sometimes called a sea cow, the manatee looks a bit like a hippopotamus. Adult manatees have large bodies averaging ten feet in length and weigh between 440 and 1,300 pounds. Manatees have a small head with a straight snout […]

10 small steps to happiness

What is happiness? Happiness does not mean being cheerful or laughing all day. Although happiness must be defined by each of us, a general understanding of it might be to have more good times and memories than bad ones and to have a general feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment. So how can we have more happy moments? Give yourself permission. […]

Explanation of the different types of life insurance

There are numerous companies in existence today that offer life insurance policies. Although the crux of the policy (ensuring the safe and sound life of an individual’s survivors as well as the individual) does not change, companies try to differentiate themselves from each other by making different classifications or bifurcations. Generally speaking, life insurance is divided into two parts. 1. […]

Your Life Purpose: Is It Predetermined or Random or Important?

“Our authentic calling, our true work in this world, becomes an outgrowth of our lives. Our work can transform and transcend the traumas we survive, making them useful to us and, we hope, to others.” – Louise DeSalvo, Virginia Woolf Scholar According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, both fate and fate mean “a predetermined state or end.” Fate implies an inevitable […]

Plant dreams for a happy life

Plant dreams, remove weeds and cultivate a happy life. What does that mean and is it possible? We all have dreams, but there is a lot of sadness, disappointment, anger and bitterness all around us. How can I overcome all that to have a happy life? How do we sow dreams? Plant the dreams of happiness. Show others that there […]

All human behavior is driven by beliefs

Your brain is similar to a computer. Your beliefs are the programs you have loaded into your brain. Human beliefs fall into two categories. These are; beliefs about what will create pleasure and beliefs about what will create pain. We try to achieve those things that we believe will create pleasure. We try to avoid those things that we think […]

Malachi’s prophecy about the future popes

Saint Malachy (1049 – 1148) was a 12th century Irish priest who had predicted the number of future Popes with amazing accuracy. Saint Malachy gave each Pope a short descriptive motto in Latin such as: Ex Castro Tiber (The castle on the Tiber River). Supposedly, Saint Malachy had a vision of the future lineage of the Popes, so he wrote […]