Top 5 Online Scams Targeting Americans

The benefits of technology are immense. Sitting at home, you can pay your bills, buy groceries and items, and communicate with family and friends located in any corner of the world. This same technology that he uses to improve his life has also given online criminals an anonymous way to commit crimes without the knowledge of the victim. Yes it’s […]

Why is conference room scheduling software important after the COVID-19 era?

Returning to work after COVID closures will never be the same. As companies and organizations open their workplace to their employees, customers and customers, management must have clear guidelines and protocols on safety and health standards. Technology plays an essential role in achieving best health and safety practices in the workplace. Desk and conference room scheduling software enables an organization […]

Most useful SEO tools

Explained in simple terms, search engine optimization is a combination of processes adopted to highlight a website in the major search engines, in order to attract maximum traffic. Unless you have a website that offers niche products, you need to continually maintain your SEO efforts and keep inventing new ones, to maintain a decent placement in search engine results. While […]

How to get a good page rank on Google?

All companies and service providers, with an online presence, want to have a high Page Rank in Google, for obvious reasons. But is getting high results on the search engine ranking page (SERP) a piece of cake? Not! If that had been the case, all of the company’s websites and web pages would have been on the first page of […]

Sentence fragments with conjunctions: be a rebel

We really like sentences that begin with the conjunctions “and”, “but” and “or”. But we don’t like the way most writers do it. Every time you write a sentence that begins with these words, you create a sentence fragment, which is against the rules. However, breaking this rule for the right reason can make your writing more powerful. (Breaking the […]

6 SEO marketing mistakes to avoid

SEO has become a very important marketing tool in today’s world. Not only does it improve the position of the website, but it also helps to generate more traffic on the brand’s online platforms. However, there are some mistakes that people often make in this area. These mistakes can affect a website’s SEO rating and push it down the list. […]

5 common misconceptions about church technology

Church technology is not new. The idea that the use of technology in the church is somehow wrong, ineffective, or unprecedented is a misconception. God’s people have always used technology to promote the kingdom. Perhaps the confusion comes in the definition of technology. Technology can be defined as the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes or applications. What is […]