train like a lion

Old school bodybuilders were strong, powerful, and athletic. They performed feats of strength that few people in gyms today can match. Even though modern bodybuilding enthusiasts have every advantage in their training, nutrition, and supplementation; they still don’t achieve the same results that the strongmen and bodybuilders of yore received from their training. How did the pioneers of bodybuilding and […]

Parsnips: Should This High-Glycemic Food Be Avoided?

There are many diet plans today that advise you to avoid high GI (glycemic index) foods. I was surprised to find that one of my favorite vegetables, the parsnip, was in this high GI category. Should I stop eating parsnips because of their glycemic index? Carbohydrates are converted to glucose after they enter the body. The rate at which carbohydrates […]

10 best ways to spend your free time

Most people have a lot of free time. They can use it however they want, whether it’s watching TV, playing games, or just sleeping. Effective use of your free time can have a huge impact on your lifestyle that you may not be aware of. I think that scheduling your time cannot be a good option because then you don’t […]