
Catering equipment for medical offices

In any doctor’s office or office you will find a team of people who work together for the well-being of their patients. There may be several doctors, nurses, receptionists, accountants, and general workers. With so many people working in a building, life is so much easier when you have the right catering team in place to ensure everyone is happy.

This is a list of catering equipment suitable for medical offices.

  • Coffee machine. Having a coffee machine with fresh coffee ready in the mornings and throughout the day will make anyone happy. This is a great way for everyone to start their work day. Remember to get enough cups for everyone.

  • Anvil urn. Having hot water on hand is great for those who prefer to drink tea or hot chocolate instead of coffee. Cups and saucers should also be close at hand.

  • Commercial Refrigerator. Milk and certain lunch foods require a cold environment, so a refrigerator in the office kitchen is a must for those who want to keep their food, salads, juices or cold drinks chilled.

  • Microwave oven. Nobody likes to eat cold food. Having a microwave oven in the office kitchen makes it convenient for people to heat up their food for lunch.

  • Plate covers. Microwave-safe plate covers are often not the first thing considered for an office kitchen. But if you want the microwave oven to stay clean and free of food splatter inside, the ideal is to cover the food bowl with a dish cover. It is easier to wash the lid of the hob than the entire interior of the microwave oven.

  • Cutlery. This is a basic necessity in any kitchen. Teaspoons will be required for tea and coffee. Knives and forks are needed for those who bring food to work for lunch.

  • Plates and side plates. These tableware items make it more convenient for people who bring food in their lunch cans. Having a plate on hand allows them to serve their food on the plate and enjoy their lunch comfortably.

  • Commercial dishwasher. At the end of the day, doctors, nurses, and receptionists don’t want to do the dishes. After each person has used her plate or cup, you can simply place it in the dishwasher. When the day is done, all you have to do is turn on the dishwasher. The next day, when you arrive at the office, the dishes will be clean and ready to be put away for a new day.

Remember that any catering equipment you purchase for your doctor’s office must be strong and durable enough to withstand constant daily use by multiple people.

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