
Determine what makes you unique as a teacher and how to market it

With the economy the way it is, employers have their pick of the crap. They may only receive a handful of applications or possibly a hundred, depending on the school district. For that reason, it is very important that you determine what makes you unique and show that uniqueness. Not only must you meet the minimum requirements listed in a job posting, you must also demonstrate what other special qualities or accomplishments you possess that you can bring to the table.

All classroom teachers must be able to develop and instruct lesson plans that adhere to the curriculum and benchmarks. But how are their lesson plans different? Are they creative and practical? Do they relate to the real world and leave students wanting to learn more? If so, make sure this is mentioned in your resume and cover letter. What about behavior management? Do you implement innovative methods to keep students focused and well-behaved? Do you go the extra mile to maintain communication with parents? Are there team building techniques that you apply to boost morale among fellow teachers?

The trick is to outline the typical tasks teachers face on a daily basis. In addition to each regular responsibility, write down what you think makes your method more effective or creative than the average teacher could. Next, discuss how these techniques impact the overall learning process. Turn these innovations into selling points and highlight them in your documents. If your methods can be evaluated through a data-driven method, list them as achievements under each appropriate job title listed on your resume. For example:

o Incorporated literature-based units and readers’ workshops to raise student reading levels by at least 1.5 grade levels.
o Introduced a rewards program for class attendance and participation; thus achieving a 95% attendance rate throughout the year.
o Used math manipulatives and real world connections to increase students’ math scores to a minimum score of 85% on state tests.

In addition to the time you spend during regular school hours, mention if you participate in extracurricular activities. School districts love to see that their teachers are flexible and willing to put in extra time to help build a well-rounded and successful school community. Highlight time spent on boards or committees, coaching sports, sponsoring clubs, or tutoring after school. This information can also be included in bullet points to make it stand out from your regular responsibilities.

All of these elements should also be considered when formulating your cover letter. The cover letter is your opportunity to show your true personality and passion for the profession. Explain the unique teaching techniques you use and how they positively influence student learning. If you have achieved achievements with specific numbers, similar to those listed above, please include them in your cover letter. This will let the reader know that your unique methods do in fact work and will really be an asset to a hiring school district.

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