Lifestyle Fashion

Fasting To Cure Acne: Why This Is The Fastest Proven Method To Cure Breakouts

I doubt many people have heard of fasting as a method to cure acne. Even those who have heard of it will probably scoff at the idea that it should work, since it goes against conventional wisdom when it comes to acne and general health. I know I certainly thought it was a ridiculous idea when I first heard of it years ago. I mean, how could not eating and only drinking pure vegetable juice be healthy for me, let alone cure my acne?

Well, after spending more time with traditional acne care methods, performing daily rituals when I woke up and again when I went to sleep and still had acne, I started again to review more natural methods to cure it. This inevitably leads to the path of cleansing and fasting. Seeing as how nothing in the past had really helped as much as I would have liked, I figured I had nothing to lose by trying to fast as it would only be a week of my life.

I’m sure you can guess that my results were pretty impressive. I wish I had discovered this method years and years earlier and even more, I wish I had tried it as soon as I found out about it. After a 1 week fast, my acne was gone almost a week later and my skin was clear and completely healed within a month. It was quite amazing and very few times in my life have I felt as happy as when I found out that something had finally worked.

There are several reasons why fasting to cure acne is really the fastest way to cure acne. To understand why, we need to look inside our bodies and discover the root causes of breakouts on our skin. While it’s true that oil, dead skin, and bacteria get trapped in your pores which, in turn, lead to breakouts, what you and most others don’t realize is that dead skin, oil and bacteria are problems only because of problems. inside of us See, we are all told to focus on the external symptoms instead of dealing with the internal causes.

For example, did you know that too much insulin in the bloodstream causes skin cells to produce too much oil? Did you know that the same overabundance of insulin also causes your skin to thicken and dry, causing it to flake off in larger than normal clumps? Lastly, did you know that it also puts your body in a constant state of trying to deal with this excess insulin, leading to permanent low-grade internal inflammation? This low-grade inflammation allows acne-causing bacteria to multiply outside of their natural balance on the skin, allowing them to enter the pores.

There’s a little more to it than that; other hormones called androgens, the blood sugar levels, build up in our intestines. But at the most basic level, we’ve become resistant to insulin over time, and this leads to flare-ups. Essentially, we have eaten very poorly for most of our lives and our skin has to pay the price for it. The proof of this can be seen in studies and tests carried out by dermatologists; They put acne patients on a low-glycemic diet, and their patients almost always get better. A low glycemic index diet, in case you didn’t know, eliminates foods that cause spikes in blood sugar levels, which, in turn, means less insulin is released into the bloodstream. So insulin levels return to normal, the body stops producing excess oil and dead skin, and acne bacteria stop wreaking havoc in our pores.

Now the reason fasting is so powerful in stopping acne is because your body spends enormous amounts of energy trying to digest food. If you give up food and complete a juice fast, you release all that energy. The juice can go directly to the cells where it’s needed most without them having to wait for digestion, and what’s more, all that energy that normally went into digestion can now be focused on eliminating problem areas in your body. So you lower your insulin levels, flush out buildup and toxins, bring your blood sugar levels back to normal, and overall make you a much healthier person. Fasting is essentially a one-week “reset” button for your body and gives you a huge boost to clear up your acne.

The best part of fasting is that it works for literally anyone. How many times have you experienced for yourself that a particular product didn’t work for your acne? Or maybe it worked for a while but stopped working afterwards? This is because every product you put on your skin is literally a waste of time because it just can’t address those real internal issues. Sure, you’ve dealt with the symptoms for now (or not), but they’ll keep coming back again and again until you really address what’s wrong inside.

This is why fasting for acne has been proven time and time again to work and literally clears up acne in a matter of days and leaves you with amazingly clear skin that doesn’t require daily rituals to maintain. The only ritual that I still do to this day is to moisturize and my skin still looks completely clear.

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