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Financial bailout of the multi-level marketing industry

Would you believe that there is a possibility to improve your finances through multi-level marketing? This is an industry that has been around for decades, many people have tried and failed, but it still thrives. There are reasons for those who are successful and for those who have failed miserably. In this economic environment, we all need to find a way to turn our dire financial and economic situation around and get back on track.

More than 54% of Americans are underemployed, millions out of work, and many without hope. They have stopped thinking about the “American dream”. It’s hard to dream if you feel hopeless. But let me suggest that there is always hope and if you are tired enough of the struggle you can find ways to improve your finances and possibly make that American Dream come true in your life.

Most Americans are aware of network marketing or multi-level marketing, also known as MLM. Mention the Amway or Mary Kay company name to almost anyone and they immediately have a vague understanding or misconception of the industry.

Many belong to what is called the “NFL Club” or “No Friends Left Club.” That’s because over the years they’ve joined and dropped many MLM opportunities, while bringing their family, friends, and co-workers, promising them quick wealth and hardly any jobs because they’ve been talked into and cajoled by certain unscrupulous people. They believe that the exaggeration of ‘easy money’.

Well, nothing is easy, there are no ‘free rides’ and as has been said many, many times before, “if it were that easy, everyone would be rich”. No true words have ever been spoken.

Give it another chance – with certain conditions

Do your homework and due diligence. Talk to people you know who are in the industry and have really been successful. Look around dozens of different opportunities and decide which one is the most attractive.

Is it in a product or service?

What excites you from the beginning and holds your attention?

Is there a product or service that you would be proud to show off to others?

Talk to your company leaders to make sure they have a great training model and get commitment that they will not only sponsor you, but will be there from the start or assign someone in your organization to work with you personally for a few weeks until it is ready. to speed up about the company, their products, and how best to market what they offer and how they find prospects.

Make sure they agree to hold 3-way conference calls with you with prospects, if necessary, so you can get enough new associates in your first 60 days to pay for your initial cash out-of-pocket and monthly product autoship, if any. has a set. above.

Listen to the experts

Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, Sly and Jennifer Stallone and Dr. John Gray are some of the notables involved and working in the MLM industry. Of course, Donald Trump or Warren Buffet are not actively recruiting new associates, but they have put their names on certain companies and Warren Buffet reportedly owns a few MLM companies.

Donald Trump even stated that MLM is the only business that could possibly help the average person get through this economic crisis.

For starters, there are few upfront costs. There may be monthly fees of $50 to around $100 for ordering products each month, but the company must move their products or be out of legal compliance. These are usually enough products for one or two people without cluttering them up in a closet or garage.

Instead of sitting back and waiting for the economy to pick up (good luck with that), you don’t have time to waste. Unless you’re getting used to unemployment and can’t imagine having to go back to work or you’re underemployed and happy letting someone else use your brain power and skills to get rich while you get more frustrated by the day, then it’s time to take action. .

Added cash for the necessities of life

Do you have teens approaching college age with no idea how you’re going to provide the money for their education?

Did you just tell them that college will have to wait, so “Go out and get a job to help the family?”

Neither scenario is happy or something you would have expected a few years ago.

Unfortunately, those days have come and gone. The excesses of the 1990s and the ability of most Americans to give their children what they want no matter the cost is no longer the norm for the average family. Three cars, a boat, several vacations a year are now out of the picture for most people.

Even those who considered themselves moderately wealthy have stopped buying that vacation home, they don’t shop as much at all the high-end boutiques they frequented before the financial meltdown.

Would you believe that in Beverly Hills, CA, there is a pawn shop for the rich and famous? Of course, it’s in hiding and they sneak out a back door to pawn their valuables so no one knows they’re also experiencing financial problems.

Yes, there really are those who are “down and out in Beverly Hills.”

“Too much month left at the end of the money?”

That saying has been around forever, but right now it seems all too real and not funny at all. Many families are juggling their accounts, “robbing Peter to pay Paul” and those among us who are starving have risen to a terrifying level.

There are families who have lost their homes because they were under water: they lived in a house that was worth 50% of what they paid for it, so they were evicted by foreclosure or just decided to leave. Cheap motels have become permanent homes for far too many families. This is not the America we imagine.

Pride in our country is at its lowest point. What many do not realize is that our country is not to blame, it is those who run it or at least that is what we send politicians to do. Politicians in Washington, DC live in a “bubble,” not seeing or understanding the plight of the average American and not seeming to care as long as they continue to profit from lobbyists.

So the answer is simple but not easy. Find a good home business that piques your interest, don’t fall prey to empty promises of instant wealth, do your homework and get ready to go to work. So you have to set aside what used to be TV time each night (if you’re working) to devote to building your business. You also have weekends. Starting out part-time by working just a few hours a week is the safest way to start.

Even if it takes you six months to create a monthly income of $500-$1,000 or even a little more, how could an extra 500 a month or more affect your life?

Of course, if you’re willing to go the extra mile and find a good mentor at your company, you could build your home business and have an income that exceeds that amount. There can never be guarantees. Your home business is yours and yours alone. The amount you earn will be directly proportional to the effort you put into creating the life you want.

A home business can not only bring you more income and a better lifestyle, but it can also lead to home business tax deductions and many other advantages. Naturally, you should consult your tax professional for all the relevant details on what and how to deduct certain expenses.

You are the starting point for a better life if that is what you decide. Just make sure it’s something you enjoy, have fun with, and feel honored to introduce your network marketing opportunity to others.

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