Health Fitness

MET RX 180 Review to Help You Make a Good Buying Decision

People spend a lot of money and time trying to be healthy and attractive. Do you have a similar goal now? If so, this MET Rx 180 review article is for you. After reading it, you should feel free to make the right decision. MET RX is a US based company that promotes good health and fitness through nutritional formulas. They have been around for over twenty years and their products are designed to shape all body types. They contain a precise nutritional profile intended to generate particular metabolic effects. The company also emphasizes following a regular exercise program in the form of a DVD.

This fitness program is called MET Rx 180 which I have mentioned above. Its base is progressive resistance training. According to MET Rx, their training program is designed to change your body in 3 30-day stages. During the first thirty days, you will participate in exercises that will specifically condition your system to become more accustomed to a more active lifestyle. In addition to exercise, you’ll get a nutritional program designed specifically for a sporty man or woman. Some supplements will also be included at your request. They are optional. The goal is to shape and strengthen your body from all perspectives.

As you will soon discover, if you decide to purchase MET Rx 180, you must follow the program for at least five days. Therefore, you’ll want to look at your daily schedules Monday through Saturday to allow adequate time for exercises. If you have had difficulty sticking to workouts in the past, you should know that each exercise in this training program can be done for half an hour. However, this will depend on which of the three phases you are currently in. Ordering the MET Rx Progressive Exercise Program is not difficult.

You can place an order online. After successful purchase, you will get a Kit. It will contain a complete package of sixteen sets of exercises contained in twelve DVDs. In addition, you will receive a wall poster showing each type of exercise that needs to be done. Other tools you’ll get include an exercise guide, ninety-day tracker, exercise ball, pump, resistance band, nutrition guide, and tape measure. MET Rx 180 also includes a contributing skin kit, a product catalog, and an electronic subscription to the company’s magazine. Finally, you will get a membership to their online community.

After you get your MET Rx 180 product, you should read the nutritional and fitness guides. So you will know how to start the first phase. The workouts in the first phase are meant to stimulate and energize your body so that it can become familiar with the rest of the exercises. The second phase workouts are meant to shape and sculpt your body. So these exercises will have a higher level of intensity than the ones you do in the first phase. The third phase contains the most intense moves and you will have to be strong to get through it. The goal is to help your body gain lean muscle tissue, increase your metabolism, and burn more fat. Eventually MET Rx 180 should help you lose weight, build your muscles and have a sexy body.

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