
Narrow your niche and explode your online sales

In the world of online business, less is definitely more and that couldn’t be more true than when it comes to online retail business. The number one mistake that internet business owners make is that they try to sell everything under the sun, on one website. They may have a site that sells pet carriers, patio furniture, and fishing gear. This is not OK. Many times the online retailer will try to run their business like the big box retailers. After all, it seems to be working fine for the big retailer selling hundreds of different products, shouldn’t it work for me? The answer is a definit no! This method just doesn’t work on the web.

For a successful online business, you want to narrow down your offerings to reach a specific niche market. Such as…golf gifts, fisherman gifts, left handed gifts, well you get the idea. Unfortunately, there are many out there that would have you believe that you need hundreds, if not thousands, of products to sell on your website or in online auctions if you want to make money. This is simply false. In reality, a narrowly niche site selling a handful of products can do quite well, in many cases exceptionally well.

Why do you want to limit your offers to a particular market? Because it is easier to market to a specific group than trying to market to several groups at once.

I’m going to share a secret with you… Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the product that’s most critical, it’s the market you’re trying to reach that’s most important. Many online business owners make the mistake of saying, “I need to find a cool product to sell online to make a lot of money.” What they don’t understand is that it’s not the product they need to find, but the market of people they need to find first and then find a product to sell to that group of people.

Let me ask you a few questions, do you know who you are trying to market to? Do you know the best ways to reach this particular market? If you don’t know the answers to these two questions, you may need to go back to the drawing board. Finding a product to sell online is not what makes an internet business successful, it is the ability of the individual person to find a market to promote the product, that is the secret of a successful business. Narrow down your niche, focus on a particular market. By narrowing down your niche and focusing on a particular market, you’ll be able to reach your audience more easily, which translates into customers and making more money online. At the end of the day, running an online business is not so much about selling a particular product as it is about reaching out to a particular market to sell your product. Remember it.

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