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Show how to self-publish your FREE book on Amazon KDP

It is now possible to publish your e-book or print a book on demand on Amazon’s KDP platform for free. This is a great deal as Amazon sells 70% of e-books and 50% of print books plus royalties are favorable to authors. However, setting up an account, formatting the book, and uploading your manuscripts can be a daunting task. “How to Self-Publish a Book in 10 Easy Steps” provides guidance and reasoning on what to put in all those little boxes. Knowing why and how makes the process a viable and rewarding experience.

What makes this book worthwhile is the fact that the author formulated this book by uploading an older version of the discontinued CreateSpace to the new KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). Therefore. Beth Whittenbury found and solved the same problems that you will face when loading your book. And your roadmap outlines the process in an orderly fashion starting with the decision, do you want to be your own editor? There are pros and cons and you have the information to make a rational decision.

The next thing is to get the ISBN, which not only identifies your book but also its format and publisher. This section also identifies the author, page size, format, and medium, be it an e-book or a paperback. Other classifications are the main subject category, the target audience and, if known, the publication date. ISBN numbers are obtained through the site and prices range from $ 125 for one to $ 29.50 each when you buy ten.

The next step is to register your book with the Library of Congress to obtain a PCN (Pre-Assigned Control Number) that helps libraries locate where your book is stored. This chapter also covers how to cross-reference your PNC to your ISBN and the process for submitting a copy to the Library of Congress. Beth is also looking into the possibility of obtaining the copyright for her book.

When setting up your KDP account, he suggests keeping Amazon KDP as your printer, not your publisher. This maintains your rights. This section also identifies the country where you work, your tax information, your bank routing information for paying royalties, and your social security number or EIN.

Once you have set up your KDP account, you can start uploading your manuscript to the KDP system. The book provides instructions on what information goes into which boxes. For example, you may have other contributors, such as an illustrator or a co-author. There are boxes for those. Other tables include language, book title, keywords, subject category, and publishing rights. One of the most important entries will be the description box, as it will appear on the Amazon book page and is the one that potential readers use to evaluate your book and make purchasing decisions. Look at descriptions of similar books to help write this sales article and select strong keywords. This description and its keywords are also part of the search parameters that buyers use to find a book on a particular topic.

Once you have completed the boxes in the Print Option section, you can start uploading your manuscript. First, you’ll need to upload a free Word template for your chosen cutout size. This is a complex procedure and Beth guides you through this process with detailed step-by-step instructions. He also cautions about choosing a font size and that using Garamond’s default 11-point font when writing your manuscript will likely save you formatting work later on.

The next section explains how to format your title page, colophon page, dedication page, and recognition page. The colophon page is also known as the Copyright Page or Edition Notice. While the KDP template gives you minimal notifications of what goes into the colophon page, Beth suggests. adding the Library of Congress number, a disclaimer and your imprint. This will make your book appear more professional.

The author’s biography is at the end of the book. Here you may want to add links to other books you’ve written or a link to Amazon’s “Write a Review” page. When you’re happy with your manuscript, you’ve entered the KDP template, consider converting that Word file to a pdf file. This is especially careful if you have photos or illustrations, or if it is a very large file.

Now we come to the cover section of the book. Here Beth discusses whether to go for a free cover created by KDP or pay a designer to create one. The free path is discussed in detail from selecting a photo from the KDP Image Gallery to designing the graphics for the title, subtitle, and author name. The information on the back cover is also analyzed, including the description of the book, the image of the author and the barcode according to the ISBN of your book. The spine design is also covered and includes the book title and author’s name printed vertically.

The final section is “Paperback Fees and Prices.” Here you can choose what territorial rights you have, your primary market, the list price of your book, and any extended distributions such as bookstores, libraries, and online retailers. Beth suggests that, when selecting a price, you study those of other books in its category and do not price it above average. Basically, royalties are calculated at sixty percent of the list price minus the cost of printing.

Another consideration is the determination of prices in foreign countries. Sales abroad through Amazon receive a royalty of 60 percent and those sold through other channels are calculated at 40 percent. Before publishing your book, obtain a proof copy, as some errors will not prevail in the electronic preview, but will appear in the actual physical proof copy.

Once you’re happy with your proof copy, you can click the Publish button and your book should appear on Amazon within seventy-two hours. Of course, now the hardest part of being an author begins, promoting your book.


If you want to publish an e-book edition as well, Beth’s book walks you through those steps as well. Although it is basically the same as the paper book process, they differ in some respects. As such, he explains them in Appendix A of his book. First, log into your account and, just to the right of your book cover, click on the blue words “+ Create Kindle eBook.” Many of the boxes have already been filled. Make sure they have the correct information. His book goes on to explain where the information would be different. These include the age and grade range chart and the pre-order chart.

The manuscript box has several options that need to be addressed. One thing is to limit sharing this book with others. You will also need a new ISBN for your e-book edition. Also, the options for your cover are less than for your printed book with respect to font type and color.

Once you’ve uploaded your manuscript and cover art, you can preview it on your computer or Kindle device. Your text may not look the same as it does on a printed page. This depends on the digital device used to read the pages of your book and some devices may cut off in places you did not intend.

If you want KDP to be your exclusive e-book publisher, join KDP Select. KDP Select benefits include being available on Kindle Unlimited and receiving seventy percent royalties versus 35 percent. The book covers additional benefits.

The price of your book follows the same principles as in the printed version. Consult prices in similar books. Price conversions and sales abroad are made based on the country’s daily exchange rate.

The Matchbook arrangement allows paperback buyers a discount on the price of their Kindle edition. Beth highlights the pros and cons of this option. Another optional program is the book loan, which allows buyers to loan their e-book to friends and / or family for up to fourteen days. If you opt for the KDP Select program, the seventy percent royalty, you will automatically be assigned a “Yes” to these options.

The last item is the terms and conditions box and it must be accepted prior to submitting your e-book. Once you are satisfied with your answers loaded in all the boxes, click the “Publish your Kindle eBook” button and your book should appear on Amazon in seventy-two hours.

The final section of the book covers the next steps, tips, and tricks. These include how to request author copies of your book, determine the number of books sold, and the royalties received. It also covers how to change the text in your submitted book, creating your central author account and author profile. With your Author Central account, you can track the sale of your book. Customer reviews are also covered in this section and you can comment on reviews,

When your book ranks one hundred or less in the exploration category for your book, it earns the honor of being an Amazon bestseller. Beth shows you how to choose the best exploration category for your book and how to navigate this maze to get into this list.

This review covers a portion of the instructions provided in this book. It gives you an overview of the process. Beth writes on a variety of topics and consults with authors who want to self-publish their work. More information is available on their website,

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