Arts Entertainments

The gay solution (2): find a loving male partner to marry

I may not be the best person to give dating advice to people who are struggling to get a date, because I never had that problem. My problem has always been to reject with sympathy. For some crazy reason, I always had people interested in me that I wasn’t attracted to at all. On the other hand, I must admit that I am glad I am no longer a part of the dating scene. I have a partner and I’m not really looking forward to getting back into the game of hunting. Not because I didn’t enjoy it, I just don’t want to start over. For whatever reason, I’ve always been part of the group that gives dating advice, and luckily the rules haven’t changed at all. There are always five types of single men and you have to decide who you are and what you are looking for.

The first group are the guys who want to hunt for the rest of their lives. If you are interested in a serious relationship, they are not in the market, it is not that they do not get there, they just have not done it yet.

The second group is the boys who want to be looked after, they need a father. If you have the urgent need to be someone’s mother for the rest of your life, they are for you.

The third group is the boys who want to be someone’s mother, again if you want to be a mother.

The fourth group are the types that have passed their expiration date. They are not all the same, but they are roughly grouped. This group includes the permanent singles, the guys who never knew anyone, the guys who will take anyone away, and the everlasting hunters who got too old to hunt and don’t know how to settle down.

The fifth group is the boys who want someone in their life, but not a son or a father. They are interested in an equal partner who can build a life together and has a life of their own. These guys are guardians and they come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. They have usually taken care of their problems and disposed of their luggage. There are more than enough, so don’t think that you will never find one.

The first thing to decide is who you are and what interests you. If you know who you are, it means that you have solved your problems, and guys who are solved attract people. The more people you attract, the better your chances of finding that special someone. I mean, if you really want a special person, no one says you have to.

On the other hand, we must realize that life is not always that simple. Maybe you look for one thing and get another, and maybe you are more than happy with what you got. Life is not that complicated either, in most cases we all want to be happy, whatever it is for you.

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