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The simple solution to lose weight

Many people find it impossible to stick to a diet and consistently fail to lose the weight they know they need. Many keep trying every new diet idea that comes out in the hope that one of them will work for them. But the miracle still does not happen. It has been estimated that 95 percent of diets fail and the reason for this is that the human body has been designed to survive in harsh conditions and the moment it detects a food shortage it goes into its “protective mode” and hold on to every scrap. of fat can.

One of the biggest mistakes when dieting is cutting calories too low. You should never starve yourself as this will never work. The World Health Organization states that a starvation diet is 1,800 calories a day for women and 2,200 for men. However, people all over the world are trying to diet with far fewer calories than that. We know this now, but diet programs are still pumping out calorie levels well below these figures.

You will never win by working against the systems that the human body has had since ancient times. The only hope in the battle against being overweight is to work with your body, not against it, and if you treat it right, it will shed its fat stores.

The first thing you need to do is address the reason you’re overweight, which is probably because your metabolism (your body’s engine) has slowed down. If you don’t keep your muscular system toned and strong with proper exercise, your metabolic rate doesn’t work as efficiently as it should allowing body fat to accumulate.

So, we go to the gym and start a strength training program to tone weak and soft muscles to get your engine revving again so you’re burning more fuel (calories) every minute of the day and night, even when you’re asleep. This is what will make you lose weight and sculpt again, your muscle tissue. Don’t worry about getting big, if you are overweight you are now bigger than you should be.

Muscle tissue is your friend, not the enemy, as it is what is going to solve your excess weight problem. Treat the big flaccid fat that spills out of your clothes as the enemy, not the little fat-burning muscle tissue underneath all that fat.

The next thing we need to do is support the exercise program with proper nutrition. This means ditching the processed stuff and replacing it with quality natural whole foods. Small meals every 2-3 hours throughout the day is how you need to eat to lose body fat. Each of these meals should contain at least 20 grams of quality protein, with the rest made up of vegetables.

These two strategies will always work, which is why physique competitors and fitness models eat and exercise this way. He should be able to put some effort into his exercise program, so feed him his food. It sounds like a simple solution and it’s just that you have to put it in place and keep doing it.

Surely it is much easier to do this than to watch your weight continue to increase until you have a serious health problem. Nip it in the bud now while you have a choice, for one day that choice will have been taken from you. Soon everything will be such a habit that it won’t be any harder than what you’re doing now, and that’s not really working for you, is it?

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