Arts Entertainments

Total Happiness – 7 Options to Be Totally Happy in Your Whole Life

In life there are options available for immediate use that will benefit you completely. Especially the choices regarding your being totally happy in your life and your life continuing to be totally happy in this world. The moment you choose total happiness, you are actually experiencing the joy and excitement of fulfilling every moment of your precious life on earth. This means that you are alive and living the true meaning of life, according to your own definition and desire.

The basis of options is wisdom. Now you are invited to be wise and benefit from the following 7 options to be totally happy in all your life:

Option 1

Total happiness is a gift from God to you and to every individual in this world. The gift is full, complete, complete and sufficient to fill every moment throughout our lives. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to take the total happiness of others, nor to share the total happiness with them. Each of us is already totally happy.

Option 2

As its owner, you are able to achieve, contain, maintain, and sustain total happiness at will. Just be willing to be totally happy now. The fact remains that there is no other way to total happiness, total happiness is the only way. So just be in total happiness now.

Option #3

Total happiness exists in a place within you, and not outside of you. It is an energy within a space known as sanubari within your heart. That’s why you can feel it. You cannot see total happiness, therefore it is not within a space known as the mind within your brain. You can set up an inner journey, if you prefer, but you will now end any unnecessary external search or conquest for total happiness, anywhere else.

Option #4

Total happiness is an invisible metaphysical emotion that flows from within and reflects a manifestation that is physically visible on the outside, in the form of a natural facial glow, a genuine smile, a twinkle in the eyes, and an outburst of spontaneous laughter. The opposite of total happiness is not unhappiness, but happiness and other emotions.

Option #5

Total happiness does not depend on anyone or a subject; or anything and an object; or a context that includes a circumstance, a condition, an event or a situation. It is readily available regardless of what is and is not happening in your life. It is pure and wholesome whether or not you get the materials you want in your life.

Option #6

Nothing and no one can make you totally happy or otherwise. Nor can you make others totally happy. You will not wait for total happiness to come out of nowhere, but first you start by being totally happy, here and now.

Option #7

Contributing to the collective total happiness in this world is actually realizing your own total happiness. So, in all the decisions you make in your life, decide first to be totally happy. Also, in all the choices you make in your life, choose to remain totally happy. Ultimately, make a lifelong commitment to be totally happy, here and now.

You will benefit from these options to be totally happy in your whole life, based on wisdom. Of course, there is a special view that links wisdom only to those who are exclusively learned, male, over 60, and perhaps secluded on top of a mountain. However, the general opinion is that wisdom binds all people, it is open, without exception, in particular to gender, age or residence. This is because at the core of wisdom is common sense, which is common to you and me, as well as to all other commoners in this world.

You just need to use your common sense to know what works and what doesn’t work in your own life. Therefore, by your own wisdom, you will be able to distinguish information about total happiness, classifying it into falsehood, fiction and reality. So it is totally up to you to seize the best option in your life and claim total happiness as your birthright, now and here in this world.

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