
why you suck at getting women

Always stay ahead of the game.

Let me repeat that; ALWAYS stay ahead of the GAME.

Surprise is the key element of any commitment: it is its magic formula; It is your recipe for success. An amateur almost immediately conveys a sexual advance directly to a woman; a professional, on the other hand, waits for the right moment before showing any signs of interest.

Women should never be allowed to own up to the fact that you are attracted to them from the start; otherwise, everything you say or do will seem like an attempt to impress them. Keep the veil of mystery around you at all times and let him keep guessing. Later in the court, you can make a move on her when you feel the time is right.

Just to give you a brief analogy, a fox will not immediately reveal itself to snarling prey with its teeth bared, it usually feigns death first; It progresses slowly and innocuously. And when he least expects it, the fox attacks.

Let me give you an example:

After you get someone’s phone number from a club, do you usually call the next day and say something like “Hi, this is Dave from yesterday, how are you?… So what are you doing? Oh, are you cleaning up?” , TRUE?” ? Don’t worry. The club was great last night, wasn’t it… what’s that? You have to go, right? Okay, can you call me later?


This is what she actually hears on the other end of the phone: “Hi I like you I’m soft with a capital ‘B’ and I like to kiss people’s butts as a hobby as you can see I’m really nervous and I think I just got wet in the pants – oops…I’m just secretly hoping that maybe you’ll feel sorry for me and suggest we meet for coffee sometime.”

Tsk tsk. Sad.

Let me drill this golden rule into your head; NEVER LET HIM SEE YOU COMING. Be unpredictable, that’s the key to creating attraction with the opposite sex.

This is what you should say instead:

“Hey, I was actually about to go out, but then your number somehow magically popped into my head, so I thought I’d make your day by showing up and saying ‘Hi.’ So, Hi!”


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