The chariot dog, the Dalmatian

Since the movie about the 101 Dalmatians, this spectacular spotted dog has gained popularity. However, the story of the Dalmatian goes beyond that of the film. It is also known as a “wagon dog” or a “fire station dog”. Before the “horseless carriage,” horses were used to pull fire trucks, and the dog became a common sight at US Fire […]

Apple iPhone 6S review

A few months ago, Apple released the iPhone 6S and if you are not familiar with Apple’s practice, you may be confused about this new iPhone as it looks identical to the iPhone 6, but fear not that they are not the same. Inside at least. There’s better hardware, an improved camera, a tougher case, the new 3D Touch, and […]

Former New York jet takes a chance on the PGA Tour

South Floridian, former New York Jet goes from the Gridiron to the Greens It’s hard to find two sports that are more polar opposites than golf and soccer, Stevie Anderson is arguing that there are some similarities between the two sports. Anderson, who spent five years completing acrobatic receptions in the National Football League (NFL), is connecting the dots between […]

Brain fitness due to injury

Your brain is your most precious possession. It is the master organ of your body. Our brain receives messages from our eyes, ears, nose and skin that allow us to know what is happening in our environment. The brain, being the master organ of the body, receives a constant flow of signals from other organs of the body that allow […]

COVID-19 Issues for ERISA Retirement Plan Sponsors

The economic disruption in the first two quarters of 2020, combined with future business uncertainty over the COVID-19 pandemic, is driving the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) sponsors of retirement plans to review your pension plan management options. Industry sectors that have been particularly affected by COVID include retail, hospitality, healthcare, transportation, commercial real estate, and state and local […]

What to look for when buying t-shirts

T-shirts are perhaps one of the most popular clothing items for men, women, and children alike. The reason for its popularity could be attributed to its versatility and durability. T-shirts can be worn as underwear or as fashionable outerwear. Buying T-shirts can be an overwhelming process as the price and quality of the garments can vary greatly. So what should […]