Before trying TRX training

In case the weight room is as well known as a space station, TRX will be your newest asset in grooming your closest companion. TRX makes different muscles in your own body stronger. Before you take the plunge though, Crunch’s wellness director Mitch Rice separates the rudiments of this powerful workout instead of hammering weights Schwarzenegger-style, you’ll be pushing and […]

The bodybuilding diet and adequate protein intake

A normal bodybuilding diet does not need to include large amounts of protein, despite what the fitness experts say. The currently suggested average is one gram of protein per pound of body weight. That means a 200-pound man would have to consume about 200 grams of protein per day. Bodybuilding magazines recommend an even higher number compared to this one. […]

What kind of live streamer are you?

“You take this too seriously,” a viewer once wrote during a live broadcast show. At first, I was offended. After all, his point was valid. People can just jump on the live stream and have some fun. It breaks the boredom and monotony of our lives because with the push of a button we can go live and have from […]

8 painless ways to cut carbs

The Atkins diet reached peak fad status in 2004, and although it has since been superseded by new modern ways of losing weight, it has had a lasting impact on the way people view weight loss. Atkins recommended that dieters reduce their carbohydrate intake. But that may be more difficult than it sounds. Here are some easy ways to eliminate […]

Lose water weight overnight

How to lose water weight overnight? It is important to note that this post is not about how to lose body fat fast. This post is about how to lose water weight fast. There is a big difference and each topic has uses for different people. If you are someone looking to get rid of excess water to reduce weight […]

Weight Loss Wars: Circuit Training vs. Supersets

I’ve always believed that supersets are better for burning fat, but strength coach John Barban tells me I’m wrong! John recommends “6 Minute Circuits” for women to lose weight, so I asked him about the methods and why his method is supposedly better than mine. Like me, John is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, and a college strength and […]