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Livebearers and Egg Layers – Learning the Different Freshwater Aquarium Fish

Freshwater aquarium fish are classified into two groups: viviparous and egg-laying. Liveparers give birth to their young instead of laying eggs. Female egg layers discharge eggs when they are impregnated by the male fish.

All freshwater aquarium fish are very colorful and attractive, so how can you tell if one is a viviparous or egg-laying?

Sword Tails (Life Carriers)

The male has a sword-like tail. Therefore, the fish is called swordfish. Swordtail can grow up to 5 inches. They are generally peaceful, but the male has been known to chase other males. To protect the young, the female must be removed because females are well known for eating their young.

Guppies (Carriers of Life)

Male guppies are graceful and colorful, while female guppies are dull and plain. This fish breeds well, however overcrowding can become a problem in the aquarium.

Mollies (Living)

It prefers a little salt in its water. They come in many different colors, such as orange, green, and black. One of Molly’s biggest problems is preventing them from reproducing. The females are generally larger and broader. When pregnant, females have a dark gravid spot near their anal fin. Mollies will eat their young, so having a large plant or separate breeding tank is crucial.

Pearl Gourami (egg layers)

Pearl Gourami are usually quite easy to feed. They like to eat live foods like black worms, brine shrimp, and glass worms. Provide plenty of floating plants and bring the water temperature to close to 80 degrees. The males build a bubble nest, after which reproduction will occur. When spawning, the male wraps his body around the female, who then releases hundreds of eggs. After the eggs have been laid, he removes the female. Four days later, the small fry will be free-swimming and the male must be removed.

Angelfish (egg layers)

In addition to their graceful beauty, angelfish are one of the most popular selections of tropical fish due to their vigor and simplicity of maintenance. Angels can’t just be placed together as a pair in a tank and expect them to breed. Angelfish prefer to choose their own mates and form pairs. Angelfish mating or spawning begins when the pair selects a flat surface in the tank to lay their eggs.

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