Corporate event planning using the 5 W’s

Many organizations plan events annually or for special occasions, such as anniversaries or holidays. These events can be very successful or they can be a failure when it comes to meeting the goal of holding the event. The success of the event can often be determined by proper planning and decision making. To aid in the success of future events, […]

Is your family ready to welcome a dog?

Thinking of adopting a dog for your family? If so, we think that’s great…but before you run off to your local dog shelter, rescue group, or online adoption site, consider whether your family is fully prepared to accept the lifelong responsibility of guardianship. Of the dog. And then take some time to consider what type of dog is best suited […]

Cabinet hardware with a small carbon footprint

If you’ve looked at a landfill in the recent past, you know that our waste problems in this country are getting completely out of hand. This leaves many people wondering what they can do, at all levels, to produce less waste and therefore leave a smaller carbon footprint. This article is about just that and focuses on something you probably […]

How can listing my business on a social networking site increase traffic to my business?

When it comes to your business, online marketing is no longer an option. Social networks provide you with backlinks for sites that Google indexes. However, the seeker also counts +1 actions. If your link performs well on social media, it helps you rank higher in the search engine. It’s not just Google+ that Google considers, either. Before the arrival of […]

Cleaning Plan – Step 6 – Easy, green and DIY ways to organize and update your bathroom

If your bathroom is cluttered with cosmetics, half-full bottles, and grooming tools from various family members, it’s time to clean, clean, and turn it into a fresh, green, and rejuvenating space! First, clear the room and edit all your belongings. That means you’ll need to sort things together and get rid of duplicates, products no one uses, and expired medications […]

The Greater Canadian CANCER Zone

canada and cancer What a bummer! Who wants to know about cancer? I know for a fact that none of us do… But sadly, cancer is a reality that has struck at and near home for many. Most of us have or know someone close to us who has died or been diagnosed with some form of cancer. Comparatively, in […]

Common Concrete Driveway Problems

Two frequently asked questions I get from owners: My input sounds hollow… is that bad? The sand runs out at the end of my driveway after it rains…is that bad? If you have significant voids or spaces between the concrete and the subgrade or if your driveway is on a steep grade, this can certainly be “bad.” Does your drive […]