
The importance of the Go Green program

As you know, programs for people to be more aware of their surroundings have developed very fast and structurally today so that people are more educated about the way they behave towards nature and the environment. It is a very important program. But not everyone believes that this move can be easily implemented. The average assumes that environmental movements cannot be easily implemented and consume many expenses, such as the purchase and use of products that can be recycled.

The program is popular to be called as green program. The name of the program is inspired by the iconic color of the environment that is green, which means that its spirit is to motivate people to think green so that our earth can regain its vitality. The Go Green program is available in many areas. It is applied almost in all types of institutions and communities. Now there are ecological campaigns in the school, from primary to universities, government institutions, private institutions, etc.

There are also many types of the Go Green program. Some of the programs include the cycling campaign and the reduction of the use of private vehicles such as cars or motorcycles. Priority use of public transport is encouraged. Then a program like plant a tree daily is also available, which aims to encourage people to know about the important function of trees and revitalize the balance of nature. Another program called WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) protects the environment by encouraging the reuse, recycling, and recovery of electronic materials.

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