Real Estate Wholesale: Four Strategies for Finding Contract Buyers

When new investors first learn about wholesale real estate, they think that finding buyers for their contracts will be the hardest part. This article will cover various strategies for finding other investors who want to buy your contracts. Before we get into buyer-finding strategies, it’s important to realize that your success in finding buyers will be directly related to your […]

10 books to read before you turn 25

10 The Hobbitby J.R.R. Tolkien In fact, I’ve included this on my teen fiction list, and chances are many of you will be reading this classic well before your 25th birthday. If not, this is an essential work of fiction. Not only is it being made into a movie series, but The Hobbit stands out as an adventure story for […]

Cajun and Louisiana Creole Cuisine – The Similarities and Differences in These 2 Louisiana Cuisines

The differences of Cajun and Creole cooking styles are often confused with those outside of the state of Louisiana. There are many similarities of the kitchens, most of which stem from the similar backgrounds of the two. But there is one food ingredient that is responsible for most of the difference between the two cooking styles. In early 17th century […]

motivation theory

The word motivation comes from the Latin word “movere”, which means to move. Motivation is defined as an internal drive that activates behavior and gives it direction. The term motivation theory deals with the processes that describe why and how human behavior is activated and directed. It is considered one of the most important areas of study in the field […]

Close sales like a winner

When you’ve exhausted all your options in the sales interview and the prospect still won’t buy, you’ll find this closing helps. When you’ve asked repeatedly and still can’t figure out the “real” objection, use this as a last ditch effort to get the order in today. Of course, the exact words you use will largely depend on the product or […]

Advantages and disadvantages of the virtual office

Isn’t it a lovely concept to think of a “virtual office” or “distributed office” that has no actual physical location and therefore no associated costs such as rent, maintenance and lighting, etc., etc.? but instead, you have your employees working for you, online. Remember, owning a virtual office does not prevent you from having your own business address, phone and […]

A bottle of cold duck

Do you remember a wine called Cold Duck? Now that you think about it, don’t admit it, just remember it with a wry smile. For those who don’t know or haven’t heard of it or just wish they didn’t remember it, Cold Duck was a ‘Sparkling Light Red’ sparkling wine from Kaiser Stuhl. I can put the quotes because I […]

Laser Tattoo Removal FAQ: What is white frosting caused by laser tattoo removal?

Even though tattoos are more popular than ever, many people regret getting these permanent works of art on their bodies. Fortunately, the latest laser technology can now remove unwanted and unwanted tattoos with relative ease. It’s natural to have some concerns about the side effects of laser tattoo removal, one of which concerns the white frosting that sometimes appears as […]

Luck or life: when bad things happen to good people

Ernest Hemingway once said: “The world breaks everyone. And afterward, many are strong in the broken places.” When we are going through adversity, it is not always possible to believe that everyone suffers loss and heartache. It feels and acts very personally when bad luck and bad life experiences happen to good people. Our first response is “Why me?” We […]