Interesting facts about breakfast

According to a Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital study of children in schools in Philadelphia and Baltimore, students who typically ate breakfast at school had better math grades, higher standardized test scores, fewer absences and tardiness, less hyperactivity, and better social relationships compared with children who rarely ate school breakfast. The word “breakfast” literally means breaking the fast. As […]

The Atkins Diet – A Heart Attack In The Wait?

Researchers at the University of Athens in Greece have found that people, and specifically women, who eat large amounts of protein but very few carbohydrates have a higher risk of heart attack. The type of diet, like a typical Atkins diet plan, restricts amounts of items like potatoes, bread, rice, and pasta, in favor of higher amounts of eggs, bacon, […]

Five Tips Help Men Stay Healthy

According to research in the United States, it is not enough for men to reduce fat and cholesterol intake and increase protein intake to stay healthy. Balanced supplementation of various nutrients is also important. To help men stay healthy, here are five tips for men to refer to. The first piece of advice is to avoid blindly supplementing with iron. […]

Discover The Hardgainer Workout Routine Simplified – How To Build Muscle Mass Successfully

Hard Winner Frustration! It can be frustrating to realize you’re a hard-working weight gainer, especially if you’ve spent a lot of time exercising and not showing any results. If you have a hard time gaining weight, following any exercise routine may not be effective for you. You need a weight gain exercise routine that is specifically targeted at your precise […]

Micromanaging your path to weight loss

Some things are as easy as ABCD, but losing weight isn’t one of them. People have tried different ways, different weight loss plans and different exercise regimens to lose weight and there is simply no hard and fast rule of thumb for doing it. However, I think everyone agrees that weight gain and subsequently weight loss depends on food intake […]

How al dente pasta can help you lose weight

Unlike Americans, many of whom were raised on bland canned spaghetti, Italians insist that their pasta be cooked al dente, or “to the teeth,” a consistency in which it still retains some substance. It may be slightly firm in the center. The pasta is chewier this way (perhaps a little chewier than most Americans like). But this is a good […]

black Eyed Peas

South of the Mason Dixon line, black eyed peas have been simmered in stoves for decades and are served at midnight in New New Year’s Eve along with chilled champagne, mixed drinks and Beer. Dried, frozen or canned, they have traditionally been cooked with ham hocks, bits of ham or bacon and whatever other ingredients added by the house cook. […]

Diet Solutions and the Gut-Thyroid Connection

If you have hypothyroidism, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the principles of the thyroid lab and which thyroid medications and dietary supplements work best. While these are important elements in improving thyroid fitness, it’s really essential to remember that gut health is critical to thyroid shape. As long as you struggle with a leaky gut, intestinal […]